Restumping a house in Bayside, also known as reblocking, is a process of replacing the old, damaged or decayed stumps of a house with new ones. Restumping is necessary when the foundation of a house becomes weak and unstable due to the age of the stumps, termite damage, or soil movement. Restumping ensures that a house's foundation is stable and level, which prevents further structural damage, reduces the risk of collapse and increases the value of a property.
Here are some normal steps involved in restumping a house:
Inspection: The restumper inspects the house to determine the existing stumps, foundation, and structure condition.
Lifting: The restumper lifts the house using hydraulic jacks and supports it on steel beams.
Removing old stumps: The restumper removes the old stumps using a chainsaw, reciprocating saw, or circular saw.
Excavation: The restumper excavates the soil around the stumps to expose the concrete footing.
Installing new stumps: The restumper installs new concrete or steel stumps using the correct spacing and level.
Adjusting height: The restumper adjusts the height of the stumps to ensure that the house is level.
Final inspection: The restumper performs a final inspection to ensure the house is stable and level.
Benefits of Restumping a House:
Increases the stability of a house's foundation: Restumping ensures that the foundation of a house is stable and level, which prevents further structural damage and reduces the risk of collapse.
Improves the appearance of a house: Restumping can enhance the appearance of a house by straightening any crooked walls or floors.
Increases the value of a property: Restumping increases the value of a property by ensuring that it is structurally sound.
Risks of Restumping a House:
Disruption: Restumping a house can disrupt daily life, as the house needs to be lifted and supported on steel beams during the process.
Damage: There is a risk of damage to the house during the restumping process, such as cracking walls or damaging plumbing.
Restumping a house is necessary when the foundation becomes weak and unstable. The benefits of restumping outweigh the risks, as it ensures that a house is structurally sound, improves its appearance and increases its value. However, it is essential to choose a reputable and experienced restumper to minimize the risks associated with the process.